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Mirco Vezzani
I speak English, Francais, Deutsch, Espanol.
I collect all type of Camel packs and in all conditions. I also collect Coke cans, bottles, caps.
I have a lot of stuff for trade including cigarette packs of other brands. contact me for trades! ciao!
Username: Mirco Vezzani
Birthdays: 1974-01-23, 51 years
E-mail: mirco.vezzani@live.it
Country: Italy
City: Reggio Emilia
Member Since: 2007-09-05, 17 years ago
Last Session: 2024-04-17 13:00:49,
9 months ago
A great and honest collector, we made a big trade and I hope to get other marvellous camel packs from him!!!!
*Rispettato l'accordo, spero che sia il primo di una serie di scambi, il tutto in ottime condizioni.
Mirco saluti
*Complied with the agreement, I hope it is the first of many exchanges, all in excellent condition.
*Cumplio con lo acordado, espero que sea el primero de muchos intercambios, todo en excelentes condiciones.