Por falta de tiempo no he actualizado mi colección en la página; no obstante, les comento que, entre los prototipos encontraran los de México lindo y querido, mitología, inventos y ciudades.
En cuanto a las raras, hallaran las 2 versiones de impresionismo de Búsqueda; alebrije y sarape de Temas Mexicanos; serie Enigma completa; serie Grandes Éxitos completa; serie Música completa; serie Cine completa (incluyendo Forrest Gump con pluma y con chocolate); Camel metálica de 90 años; las dos cubre cajetillas dobles de Zona de Camellos; la muy exclusiva cubre cajetilla Feria de Sn. Marcos; la cubre doble; así como varias de salones, bares o clubes nocturnos, etc.
Comments 2Hola amigo te mande mensaje a tu mail me interesa
Estimados todos!!!
A pesar de que en los últimos años no he publicado ni intercambiado nada, hoy me acerco a Uds. con el objeto de realizar una consulta.
Después de mucho pensarlo, y a pesar de lo difícil que es para mí, he decidido ceder mi colección de 464 cubres y cajetillas de CAMEL, todas de Mx, la cual incluye algunos prototipos, varias raras o difíciles de conseguir y una que otra muy exclusiva.
Comments 0Please let me know where i can buy custom boxes best company in UK.
Comments 0Hola!
Queria saber como identificar la fecha de fabricacion o vencimiento del camel 20 comun de argentina y como leer los codigos y numeros de la etiqueta. Gracias
Comments 0What is the difference between yellow Camel from Romania and from Germany? I think the German version is "sweeter".
Comments 0Selling my entire collection of 53 sealed camel tins. Msg/Email me for details if interested.
Comments 1I am looking for a shipping company that delivers my collection safe and sound from Africa to UAE. I have checked a few options and one out of them named Qafila is the most value for money option available.
If you have any other companies then please mention them here.
Comments 2Hi again! I hired a shipping company located in the UAE named Al Sharqi Shipping for the shipping requirement I posted last time.
The process was very smooth and completely transparent. I would give them 5 starts and a 100% recommendation.
Orient Freight Solutions is one of the top national logistics & freight forwarding companies in Dubai. https://orientfs.ae/
If anyone is looking to sell Mexican pack covers I'm interested in buying some missing pieces for my collection. You can contact me through email at jjp_loera@hotmail.com
Comments 0Hey all,
I'm selling my special packs from the 90', all closed.
Comments 0HELLO,
This is Angel Rivera from Mexico City, I've been a member of this page for 12 years.
I am willing to sell my whole collection, it is around 250 packages, 99% of them are from Mexico, plus a couple of them from EEUU and Spain.
I got some of the rare ones, such as the 3D including "glasses", European Union from the "Mail" collection, and some "Smooth" ones, along with some lightners and cans.
If interested, I can send photos of everything. I am "Luis Angel Koan" on Facebook, or my whatsapp number is (+52)55 4271 0388.
You can also send me an e-mail to varhium@hotmail.com
Thank you and have a good one!
Comments 0
Hola buenas tardes, alguien sabría indicarme cómo hago para editar mi colección. Gracias un saludo
Comments 1Hola, una vez que entras con tu usuario tenes que ir a opcion de COLLECTION - te va aparecer la lista de todos los paises ... Entras al pais que queres agregar o quitar - cada Camel abajo tiene un "carrito con el signo +" y ahi vas clickeando ... Espero que sirva (y)
Hello Friends. it has been fun collecting Camel and learning about its fantastic marketing campaign. I enjoyed these chapter of my life a lot.
However, in past decade I have not been very active with my collection. Since I moved out of my old house, I have never unpacked my collection completely and actually took additional hobby since. I seem to now focus more on Alfa Romeo Spider very early models.
Having said that, if someone is interested, I am looking to part with my collection. I am willing to sale my entire collection (all full packs) plus this domain *.camelcollectors.com
Online stats shows I have 3,200 packs but I believe I have more like 4,000 may be even 5,000. Will have to unpack it all and reinventory it. I have some doubles and triples which in my opinion account for another 1,000 packs or more. All my packs are full and not open.
Comments 2you can contact me via email: rkrukowski@shaw.ca or for those who are interested i will provide telephone number to call or set up Teams video call
Iran has NEW Camel Packs. If interested, please contact me by WhatsApp at my number: +98-9381428917 or by email: iranphilately@gmail.com
Payments can be made to our bank accounts in the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, EU Zone, Canada, Singapore & Poland.
In the USA, Zelle payments are OK too while we can accept PayPal payments if you pay the PayPal fees.
Comments 0I recently bought a new pack of camel filters that have a brown camel and no red around the filter. Is it a new design or a flaw??
Comments 2Can you sens a picture
Thanks Sven
Hello, if there are more then one thing different then normal production then i would suggest it is new design. generaly when you talking missprint or flaw, i would expect to be single item.
i think you may be looking at new design. have you posted that pack yet?
I have a camel collection of sealed packs and tins for sale, If anyone might be interested, contact me: reno.donald@tapes.ee, and we could talk about specifics
Comments 0Hi everyone, I'm looking for the following covers from Mexico, let me know if you're selling
Hola a todos, estoy buscando las siguientes cubres para añadir a mi coleccion, si a alguien le interesa venderlas me puede comentar aqui o mandar email :
Comments 0Ive got a pack i believe is from the Korean war. Any idea of the value?
Comments 1hart to give an estimate based on your desicriotion. is the pack just regular camel?. no filter?. or is it Art Pack?. is it in perfect condition?. this will play signiifcat part on value. Best you send us pictuers of it and may be one of us can make you an offer?. other wise you need to put it for auction and hope for the best. sorry i am not much of help here.
Comments 0
El punto es que, aún no me decido sí venderla, rifarla de manera convencional o mediante amigo secreto.
Espero sus valiosas aportaciones camaradas.