Hello / Hola !
Really happy to see so many members enjoying the return of the site !
It was very hard to fix the old site, harder than creating a new site, but... isn't it great it see everything back ?
We have not fix everything, we have a lot of projects... but I really wanted we open for Xmas.
Excuse us if there's some troubles, they will be fix with time.
Don't hesitate to mail to share the infos problems, or to write inside this forum page the problems you discover.
I get infos, it seems missing Brazil...
I checked, also on old site, but found no interesting picture.
I get your pictures, thanks for the help.
I think to add one, with a visible difference.
But I think it's complete like that for us, as we don't show all warnings possible.
22 Jan 2013 01:42 12 years ago
United States, Speedwell
Hi Vincent - I tried to add US 001-14 to my collection and I got this message: SERVER ERROR
500 Internal Server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. Is this a common? Thanks
19 Dec 2012 09:54
12 years ago
Italy, Leivi ( Genova )
Merry Christmas
I wish you a merry christmas and happy new year to all of you my friends!!
Les deseo una Feliz Navidad y feliz a?o nuevo a todos ustedes mis amigos!
Ich w?nsche Ihnen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gl?ckliches neues Jahr an euch alle meine Freunde!
Я желаю вам веселого Рождества и счастливого Нового года всем вам, мои друзья!
אני מאחל לך חג מולד שמח ושנה טובה לכולכם חברים ש
Hello Friends...
Very nice website Congratulation...
I was looking in my collection I found 5 Camels UK and 1 Blue Malvive missing in the site.. I send photos by Suggest..
Merry Christimas and Happy New Years..
All best Regards
Deseo felicitar a los que trabajaron para que la pagina este en la web nuevamente. Han realizado una gran labor, asi que a seguir "CAMELEANDO".
Un abrazo y muy FELICES FIESTAS!!!!
Just a few lines, to said Rapahel y Vinz, you made an excellent job dear friends,
I?m very gratefull
Regards from argentina
Wish you have a nice christmas and happy new year
Deseo felicitar p?blicamente a Vinz y a Rafael Krukowsky por el esfuerzo realizado por restablecer nuestra p?gina favorita. Seguramente no fue f?cil hacerlo, as? que una doble felicitaci?n. Saludos cordiales desde M?xico y Feliz navidad y pr?spero A?o Nuevo.
I want to publicly congratulate Rafael Krukowsky Vinz and for their efforts to restore our favorite. Surely it was not easy to do, so double congratulations. Best regards from Mexico and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.