11 Sep 2015 03:05
9 years ago
Mexico, leon guanajuato
Hola colegas.
Escribo por este medio para comentarles que pongo en venta mi colecci?n, ya que por cuestiones personales necesito deshacerme de ella, dejo aqui mi correo electronico......................... aleksjfry@hotmail.com y chuchaleks@gmail.com............
Tengo mas de 1000 cajetilla y muchisimos articulos promocionales tales como cewrillos, encendedores, postales, posters, cajas gigantes, etc.
Good dear colleagues . would need if anyone can help me complete the collection Exotic Blend ( Tins ) (2001 ) Metal Tins from 2001 to 2003 and Pleasure To Burn Tins (2002 ) , Pleasure To Burn (Pool ) (2002 ) , Exotic Blend ( Tins ) (2002 )
I want to complete this series . greetings and disposition of what they need .
Ariel .
Buenas queridos colegas. necesitaria si alguien puede ayudarme a completar la coleccion Exotic Blend (Tins) (2001) Metal Tins from 2001 to 2003. y Pleasure To Burn Tins (2002) ,Pleasure To Burn (Pool) (2002) , Exotic Blend (Tins) (2002)
quiero completar estas series. saludos y disposicion de lo que necesiten.
24 Feb 2016 02:59 8 years ago
Mexico, Ciudad de M�xico
Hola Ariel soy de la Ciudad de M?xico, las piezas que buscas con de E.U.A yo tengo algunas ?Tienes alg?n correo electr?nico para comunicarme contigo y mandarte fotos?
Hello, new limited edition serie, 8 packs, 4 BLUE, 4 FILTERS, like Russian COLORS II (2014), not for sale yet, colors of BLUE packets: red, blue, green & purple (i saw the promotional box of BLUE), i will inform about the colors of the FILTERS when i see them, i have photos of the BLUE packets but i will show you the complete set soon.
..unfortunatly only 4 BLUE are for sale, the filters maybe later in the summer, maybe.. never, see the BLUE ==> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxMjAw/z/SdkAAOSwDNdVir~9/$_57.JPG
buenas colegas, estoy volviendo a la colecci?n despu?s de varios a?os. quisiera completar colecciones inconclusas que quedaron. alguien vende o cambia? estoy detras de las exotics, siempre me gustaron esas latas. y bueno las demas tambien. saludos. ariel desde rosario argentina
good colleagues, I am returning to collection after several years . would complete collections remained unfinished . someone sell or trade ? I'm behind the exotics , always liked me those cans . and the other also good . greetings . ariel from Rosario Argentina
Hello, at CATALOGUE there is photo about this pack from backside, i found this pack in full/sealed condition and i present it with full photos, BACKSIDE: "http://prntscr.com/7fqq15", FRONT: "http://prntscr.com/7fqrbv"
Hello friends, about the last Greek serie INSPIRED BY MUSIC (2015) i want to add that the 8 packs (GR-030-01 to -08) is the 1st part of this serie, there is also 2nd part as you can see at "http://prntscr.com/7agxi3", the 1st part (already sold out) was for sale between May 1-15 amd the 2nd "http://prntscr.com/7agznl" (almost sold out) between May 15-31. The 2nd is exactly as the Regular Curve Packs (2014) GR-026-20 & -21 but with different strip, the old is "WIN 1000 MUSIC FESTIVAL TICKETS" & the new is "http://prntscr.com/7ah2te". Also i want to note that these 2 packs as the GR-026-20 & -21 are not regular, the are limited edition serie. Thanks for reading me, Nick.
10 Jun 2015 08:19 9 years ago
Russian Federation, Moscow
Hello Nikolaos, lot of thanks for usefull info! About GR-026-20, -21, -22, -23 packs - yes, it was limited production packs with different text on strips, but this packs stay REGULAR. Texts on this packs only announce new events/series, but stay REGULAR - as in many other countries... Thanks, Vladimir
Can anyone help me with the name of that package?
Without the full images is difficult.
14 Apr 2015 03:34 9 years ago
Russian Federation, Moscow
Hi Luiz, I think nobody can help you... This is old pack (without bar-code), made in Europe for sell in many countries outside US - in Europe, Asia, Africa... The difference only in tax mark, which mising on pic...
Hello Vladimir,
Thanks for the feedback
The problem is that some packages registered with the site you can not see the back of the pack to compare with this package I have, I was hoping that some collector who has this package could compare to the back for me.
Friends. We sum of 177 euros deal, do not seem to receive your package, you do not send a lot of e-mail reply to me, today saw you sign in, please your timely reply to me, okay? ?
Now and enthusiasts from Romania, Italy and Germany completed the transaction, I will transfer the money directly to their ebay account, please send an email to my fans, to help my collection of limited edition, so the brand, thanks
Collectors and collectors, many of you in the exchanges have a few packages to exchange instead of selling sites have several packages filled you sell, then ............. now no offense to anyone, all withdrawal packets double in the trade, this is not fair to all of us collectors of this site.
Thank you for understanding
If you want you can also unsubscribe.
Estimados coleccionistas, muchos de ustedes en los intercambios tienen algunos paquetes para intercambiar, en lugar ...................... en sitios de ventas tienen varios paquetes que venden completo,. ............ por lo que ahora no quiero ofender a nadie, retirar todos los paquetes en el doble de cambio, esto no es justo para todos nosotros los coleccionistas de este sitio.
Gracias por su comprensi?n
Si lo desea, tambi?n puede darse de baja.