Dear Friend
I think our homes, camel collection appeared a mad dog, I do not know why, I did not find him. He forced me together and a liar. A more than 400 days guys did not arise.
I do not know how I offend Michael Engel. I do not want to curse, I feel very bad.
But please do not push your luck. He threatened me admit that I deceived him 20 package. If I do not accept, he is here, including many local spread to my bad feedback.
I am not afraid of his threats. All my friends know that I exchanged with good credit.
I do not want to explain this statement.
I certainly have a great day. Thank you for making me become an overnight celebrity, so that more collectors know me, know your real ugly behavior. Thanks again.
04 Oct 2014 04:50
10 years ago
United States, Portland OR
Alex Owen = Liu Xing
Dear Friends
I just found out that Alex Owen and Liu Xing the piece of shit that cheated 5 collectors from here , is the same person, I want you write to Vincent and the other Admins in CC and ask them to take care of this situation , either by delete him or make him by any why pay for what he did to us, I already wrote them as well and the same to the other collectors he cheated, I know some of you had good experience with Owen but this is not OK or changes any wrong doing he did as Liu Xing.
I need your full support of this
Thank you in advance
Michael Engel
I don't know what happens, I can't believe the jews wanted to do. He forced a liar and I together. I have a lot of exchange and a lot of collectors. All is perfect. My friend and I exchange. I can send first, I can send the tracking number. I don't know Michael Engel
Why will the liar and I together. I don't understand his motives. I also don't want to say. Because, all friends are smart.
I still welcome exchange in the future. I don't want to, and here he is a waste of time. I won't do too much explanation. If you believe that Michael Engel. Please you don't and I exchange.
But. I promise. I have not deceived anyone.
Again, and I hope we perfect exchange, I will not cheat anyone. I don't want to see anyone being deceived
05 Oct 2014 04:17 10 years ago
United States, Portland OR
Again the truth is on my side, you saw the many collectors already took their feedback away , that is just the start , soon you will be gone from here as well.
Have a nice day.
05 Oct 2014 04:56 10 years ago
Russian Federation, Moscow
Alex, I do not YET know the details of what happened between you. Forum is a place for civilized and reasoned debate. But in any case, do not insult people on a national basis. So I think you MUST apologize to Engel. I know that Jacinto Rojas - a thief and a cheat, but I never allow myself to blame all Mexicans. I hope that you understood me.
Sorry, Vladimir
If you receive such a framed, please tell me, how will you solve? I have clear told Michael Engel. I did not cheat anyone, including him. But he put me together and a liar.
If I was a liar, and I have so much good feedback? Do I force them to leave, of course, include you.
If I am wrong, I am willing to apologize.
Hi guys
The administration is working on that problem...
It's written in rule to put the real identity, only the only rule...
We are busy most of the time, but for once, we are together on that...
Explain us please why you have so many names and adresses...
1/ Qian Luo
Wu Fang Yuan the post office, Lu Gu south road. Shi Jing Shan District Bei Jing CHINA 100040
2/Alex Owen
Room602, unit one, building 18, West Yongle Community,
Shijingshan District, Beijing
China 100040
Room602, unit one, building 18, West Yongle Community
Shijingshan District, Beijing
China 100040
Let's answer that first
Re :)
then, "Alex Owen" has only good feedbacks (27 for now)...
Liu Xing has only BAD feedbacks (6)...
When we look at the adresses of the 2 guys, there's 17 mn of travel...
Is it a coincidence ?
Or... work and home adresses ?
Or... a friend's adress ?
That's weird... isn't ?
Hello, Vincent
Very easy problem, tobacco through customs inspection strictly. A lot of exchange, import a large number of cigarettes. I can't use only one address.
Change the address in the camel collection. Not just me.
Don't forget you still owe me a pack of Albania
I don't know you say IP address. I just want to ask you, I cheat you?
I'm just normal. I never cheat. Since I appeared. I have been suspected. Am I living in China have a mistake? If I cheat, I would get a lot of good feedback.
I exchange with you many times, you say, I am a liar?
If you insist I have a question, you can delete me.
My collection, it is a happy thing, I don't want unhappy.
No problem between you and me, 100% success...
No problem with China !!!
Why Singapor and not China flag ?
What is your real name finally ?
I have no problem with you, but the admnistration is taking care of any problem related to this site...
Rafael (the boss) has sent you an email, you should read it carefully, maybe translate it to understand it perfectly.
Because yes, if things turn bad, you will be banned, and the extreme step will be to exclude anyone from "asia"...
My name is Alex Owen. no problem
Package received in different locations. I will arrange my family or friends for help. This also can not?
Different people to help me receive the parcel? There is a problem? Can't?
Is not my 100% success with you. Is exchange with me and all my friends. This you can see.
After Michael Engel released the news. Give me a bad feedback George Opal, cancel feedback Gianmarco Canni, Moreno Maurizio, Victor Tikhonovich and Derek Wong. I and they exchange the same 100% success.
I want a perfect exchange every one of us. Hope don't say me a liar, thank you.
Thanks to see the bad news to continue and I exchange of friends
Thank you to my trust
We will continue to perfect exchange
We will continue our cooperation forever.
Welcome to contact. thank you
16 Nov 2014 10:43 10 years ago
Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Sucre
Alex Owen es una excelente persona, yo he realizado muchas ventas con el y no he tenido ningun problema, espero que todo se trate de un malentendido Rene Luis
15 Sep 2014 09:15
10 years ago
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Hola gente, desaparec? del ranking. Alguna forma de recuperarlo? Alg?n administrador sabe que pudo haber pasado?
No pienso volver a cargar los 1600 packs. Gracias
hola Natascha, estoy interesado en la colecci?n pero no puedo comunicarme con el n?mero que dejaste. te dejo el mio; 0034 615 029 669. Gracias. Ezequiel
Hello fellow ...
Long time to see that the page is tight and I do not update, something happened? . Lack of time managers? it may be, I am aware that this is only a hobby and there are more important than spending time update or page requirements, not all have enough time. But it is alarming time to wait for something new "Camel".
Debate would be good if the manager does not have time, OK, another collector out there might have more time and work on it, I say, lest we desgane not enter the site and see always the same, updates June, so it will depend upon a single Manager ... I think we as Ginamarco Canni Collector or Maurizio Moreno also could be calmly administrators, they will make you either page and see what they have free time, are always active, that's good. I think we already know enough and we all know who is who.
A quick solution would be good and can also let others to do their part and not be mere users.
Greetings to all
Hello friends,
Ti ringrazio innanzitutto di essere stato preso in considerazione, essendo praticamente attivo ogni giorno in questo sito, come il mio amico Maurizio Moreno, del resto.
Ho gi? chiesto all'attuale amministratore se avesse bisogno di un aiuto, ma m'? stato risposto che per il momento ? in vacanza e quindi non ha l'opportunit? di aggiungere i pacchetti ..etc
Io sono pronto, come penso anche il mio amico Maurizio Moreno, di essere un nuovo amministratore della pagina, e naturalmente, non come sostituto di Vincent Guidali.
Greetings to all
I have to thank you, first of all, to have been considered, being active almost every day on this site, as my friend Maurizio Moreno, anyway.
I've asked to the administrator if he needed help, but he was told me that for the moment is on vacation and therefore does not have the opportunity to add packages ..etc
I am ready, as I think even my friend Maurizio Moreno, being a new administrator of the page, and of course, not as a substitute for Vincent Guidali.
Greetings to all
dat CAMEL aus old Germany hat sich wieder angemeldet...
k?nnt gern nach Camelpacks fragen / tauschen etc.
my New ebay Name : camelcollectorsebastian
ich habe rund 3500 leere Packs zum tauschen.
10 Jul 2014 03:03
10 years ago
Russian Federation, Абакан
camel bedouin
Hello. I used to collect stacks of a cigarette in my collection there is one interesting pack, please tell me if it has any value for collectors, packaging hard, empty, very good condition
My collection include packs from:
Germany, France, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, USA, etc.
Also include several USA Contest Pack
If you want pictures please contact me (
I wonder if anyone can help me about the differences between PY-001-02/DF-100-28 and DF-100-58/AR-001-01.
To me it looks the same and were registered twice. Why not join us the full picture of the packaging? Regular packages are very similar, are the side and back of the packaging differs.
yes that is great suggestion. how ever we need users who submit pictures to take all 4 sides for us. Vinz is going great work posting them but he can only post what people send him.
23 Dec 2013 07:15
11 years ago
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Marquillas argentinas llenas
Hola buen dia a todos. queria saber si alguien tiene marquillas llenas para vender! en lo posible anteriores al 2003. yo tengo marquillas vacias para intercambiar o vender. muchas gracias a todos
yes you are correct, there is very little difference between the two packs. generally we don't like put this similar packs on the web but we do have a lot of requests to publish them with the smallest difference. there is message difference on the left side of the pack. unfortunately on DE-001-12 the left side is missing from the picture.
No collector sent the image to register?
I'll talk to the collector of Brazil that has the two packages, I will talk to him to see the possibility of sending me the pictures, so I get I send you a copy if you want.
Do not you think it should register small differences in packaging of other countries too?
I can help with Brazilian packaging.
21 Nov 2013 01:24
11 years ago
Argentina, Capital - Villa Devoto
V?ctor Perez Montes
Este se?or me esta debiendo 31 paquetes de cigarrillos, pasaron 4 meses y todav?a sigo esperando.
This man is owing me 31 packs of cigarettes, spent four months and I'm still waiting.
I have never exchanged with Victor Perez Montes. so I don't know if he is trusted collector. if you don't get any answers from him please let us know and we will put Alert on his name so no one else will be taken advantage of. unfortunately I can not help you collect your exchange. but I can prevent others from being riped off
24 Nov 2013 06:25 11 years ago
Mexico, México D. F.
Como estas?
Recuerda que ya hemos realizado un cambio.
Te voy a enviar un correo para que recuerdes.
De echo tengo tiempo esperando t? calificaci?n.
24 Nov 2013 07:10 11 years ago
Mexico, México D. F.
Hace tiempo le escrib? a Ruben para realizar un cambio. Hicimos nuestra selecci?n de cajetillas y quedo cerrado el trato. El envio y yo hice lo mismo. El 18 de Junio de 2013, yo envie mis paquetes ( RP558406290MX ?y ?RP558406309MX ?). Su paquete llego primero, yo al recibir verifico que todo este en orden y me doy cuenta que hace falta 1 cajetilla, en ese momento le escribo un mail para hacerle saber que no ven?a completo el paquete. No recib? respuesta de ?l, hasta los 10 dias y escribio para decirme que HAB?A TENIDO UN ERROR: ? ME DIO MAL S? DIRECCI?N, por consiguiente no le llegar?n ? las cajetillas. Los paquetes me los regresar?n. Tratamos de llegar a un nuevo acuerdo. El me ofrecio otras cajetillas para compensar su error, pero esas cajetillas no eran de mi interes. Le pedi que me enviara el cantidad exacta del importe para hacerle llegar nuevamente sus cajetillas, pero tambien fracasamos en ese acuerdo. Yo le envie un correo haciendole saber mi malestar por no haberme enviado com
25 Nov 2013 04:46 11 years ago
Mexico, México D. F.
RAFAEL ?KRUKOWSKIEscribes que nunca hemos cambiado.Escribes que no sabes si soy de fiar.Y escribes que si no contesto vas a poner una alerta en mi nombre para ya no estafar a nadie.YO ?TENGO ?OTRA ?VERSI?NSi hemos cambiado.Todo salio perfectoSigo esperando t? calificaci?n.DEJO EL LINK DEL PAQUETE:
HI Victor, yes I remember you. but sorry I don't exactly understand what went wrong with our exchange. did I send you wrong cigarette packs?. if I did I am sorry. please can you email me what packs I have send you in error?. I will be happy to exchange them for you
my email address is still
sorry I just translated your last message. looks like you wish to exchange with me. OK, I will exchange with you. please email me at
Carlos, I am so sorry but we will not be able to help you much. except to say that we are sorry for your loses. I would suggest may be until user has clear track record of exchanging with other users you never send packs to who ever asks you for exchange until you receive theirs first. I have been taken twice by some layers as well. and since then if I get asked to exchange with some one who has not FeedBack on CCs then I simply ask them to send me his/her packs first, once I receive them I will send what I have promised to exchange with them. ultimately I am asking them to trust me, because I don't trust them.
11 Dec 2013 01:57 11 years ago
Argentina, Capital - Villa Devoto
Me hubiera gustado contestar con anterioridad pero muchas veces estuvo la p?gina fuera de l?nea.
Sr Victor:
Hago copia de dos extractos de sus correos:
?Tus cajetillas estan seguras en mi apartado, en la oficina postal?.
?Te voy a enviar las cajetillas, pero sacar? los 5 packs de M?xico ( Coleccion Combinaciones Bestiales ) y asi el paquete completo no pesar? m?s de un Kilo y solo pagar? en moneda nacional la cantidad de $ 210 pesos mexicanos que es el valor de los 5 packs mencionados y no los $ 380 pesos mexinanos ( 28 dolares ) que costar?a enviar el paquete por pesar m?s de un kilo.?
1 - No cumpliste con ninguna de las dos frases anteriormente citadas.
2 ? Sigo sin recibir las marquillas, en realidad eran 36 pero retir? los 5 paquetes que me quitaste por mi error al pasarte la direcci?n.
3 ? No fue mi intenci?n ofenderte con tu hijo, simplemente te dije que si no me quer?as enviar mi paquete le compraras golosinas, si se que tu tienes un hijo es porque vos
Hello Gents, i am sorry but i have caused an outage for almost two days. i have upgraded a firewall and did not test it properly causing outside uses not to be able to log on to the site. please in the future eamil me immidiatly if you experience any issues accessing this site. My appologies and will try not to repeat this again. thank you for your support and participation
Hello Rafael, how are you?
The page from which you publish this post, malfunctions almost 24 hours off duty . This has solution?, You know what happens? ...
hi, yes you are right lately website has been down often. we are trying to upgrade the application to newer version and for some reason on old website services stop. I will try to pay attention to it more often and keep it up till we have new version up and running. sorry for inconvience.
hello Dario, yes i know the reason why is not functioning all the time. i am on holidays in Hawaii till new year so i will not be able to do much except remotly restart services when they stop. but in the new year we will finish upgrading from Access Database to SQL database and as well as language the original website was written in will be changed to newer language. this upgrade is necessary for us to continue to develop the website. unfortunately old language not many people know any more so i need to upgrade. i will keep an eye on the website more frequently now that i know it shuts down on its own and try to keep it up all the time. Merry Christmas Dario
16 Sep 2013 10:41
11 years ago
Germany, Schweinfurt
Italia Box
Hello together, i am new here and now there is my first question. I have a Box from Italia i couldn't find in your List. Art.46 L.29/12/1990 n.428 ( 10 Cigarettes )
Please help me ! Thanks
P.S. Nice Page !
25 Apr 2014 12:10 10 years ago
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Hola Federico, la verdad que tenia la pagina trabada y recien hoy entro. Te pido disculpas la verdad que marquillas cerradas no tengo para intercambiar. Es bastante complicado conseguirlas!! Vos tenes de las que a mi me faltan? En general me faltan Lights, despues busco la de Crobar y las de harley mas que nada. Vos solo juntas de argentina?
24 Feb 2016 03:04 8 years ago
Mexico, Ciudad de M�xico
Hola amigos argentinos soy de la Ciudad de M?xico y queria saber si les interesan cambiar tins metalicas de M?xico por tins argentinas.
Gracias por su respuesta